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Hello hello!

Quick announcement. No eloquent stories this time, but it’s just as important! 

I currently have someone who has so graciously offered to start a matching fund for me! WHICH, BY THE WAY, IS AWESOME. PRAISES AND BLESSINGS. (Some of you know that this has been a thing for a while but I’m just now letting you all know. Silly me.) Anyway.

“What does a matching fund mean?” For every dollar that is donated to my fundraising between now until NOVEMBER 13TH, IT WILL BE DOUBLED. (ex. you give $20, they give $20. I now have $40 headed towards my fundraising!) I can have up to $5,000 matched, and if I was able to get all of that raised, I would practically be done with fundraising! How crazy is that?! 

So, if you’ve thought about giving, NOW would be the time to donate! I currently have $1,300 that has been raised and ready to be matched. That means I’m looking for $3,700 to raise by the second week of November. Which, is insane, I know, but our God is more insane than that, so it is totally possible. 

“…aside from helping you raise money (which is great) and seeing the Lord work through Adventures in Missions and the World Race (which is even greater), do I get anything for helping you fundraise during your matching period?” YES. Not that this is much of an incentive, but for those of you that have donated from August 3rd-November 13th will get a little sticker (as well as a whole lotta thanks)! If you’ve already given and you haven’t gotten one… just remember that patience is a fruit of the spirit and that I am merely human. 😉

Continuing that thought, I’ve considered selling some art work of your furry friends in order to help raise some more money. If that interests you even remotely, PLEASE let me know. In the comments, or if you have my email or phone number, that works too. I’d love to do something to earn your money, and who doesn’t want a cute little painting of their dog? (or cat. or bird. or cow. I’ll try my hand at anything.) Also, I will never be offended if you change your mind once we’ve talked. But your interest would be AWESOME.

If you’ve already given, thank you. So much. That little $8,100 you see at the top of my blog is thanks to you. 😀 We couldn’t have made it this far without your prayers, financial blessings and support in sharing this entire mission. But here we are: still racing towards the finish line. If you don’t have the financial capabilities to give, that’s okay. Our prayers can be more powerful than we think.

To sum it all up: I have a matching fund from now until NOVEMBER 13TH, if you give within that time you get a sticker, if you want you can purchase a painting of your pet, if you’ve given and supported you’re the GOAT, and our God is still great. 

Have a glorious day.

One response to “ANNOUCEMENT: Matching Donor!”

  1. Hi Sarah, we would live to support you, and Wally is excited about being the subject of a painting! 🙂
    Reid & Anne (and Wally)